Vida One Water Reuse cover

Onsite Water Sources: Rainwater, Stormwater, Grey Water, Foundation Drainage, AC Condensate, Process Water

Unlocking Water Sustainability for a Greener Tomorrow

1 - Accumulation of Onsite Water

  • Rainwater
  • Stormwater
  • Foundation Drainage
  • Grey Water
  • AC Condensate
  • Process Water (IE: Carwash)

2 - Store Water in a Tank (Above or below ground)

  • Rainseeker Maximus System
  • Third-Party or Existing Tank

3 - Pump, Treat and Control

  • Vida One Water Reuse

4 - Reuse Non-Potable Water In Your Building

  • Irrigation
  • Toilets and Urinals
  • Laundry
  • Cooling Tower Makeup
  • Process water / Car wash
Vida One Water Reuse diagram

Why Vida One Water Reuse?

1. Comprehensive Solutions

Our Vida One Water Reuse line offers holistic solutions tailored for various types of onsite water, ensuring it can be safely repurposed for non-potable purposes within your commercial establishment. From rainwater harvesting to carwash reuse, we've got you covered.

2. Resource Efficiency At Its Best

By adopting our advanced water reuse technology, you not only save precious water resources but also cut down on operational costs. Cleanflo's systems are engineered for efficiency, helping you maximize your sustainability efforts while minimizing your expenses.

Fully Customizable

modular system


IoT, Web, BAS, BACnet

Single Point

power connection

System Startup

owners training, technical support

Skid Mounted

and factory wet tested


remote monitoring plans available

HMI Colour

touch screen display

Maintenance Service

plans available

Cleanflo is at the forefront of innovation and responsibility, introducing the Vida One Water Reuse product line, a comprehensive range of cutting-edge pumping, treatment, and control systems meticulously designed to revolutionize the way commercial buildings manage their water resources. With a deeprooted belief that “Water is Life,” our mission extends beyond providing efficient water management solutions. We embrace a holistic approach to water conservation and sustainability, recognizing that water plays a profound role in our lives. Our commitment to holistic water management aligns perfectly with the principles of “Valuing All Water.” We prioritize water conservation, employ advanced technology to prevent loss, and focus on delivering economic, environmental, and social benefits. Our systems approach ensures comprehensive solutions by considering the entire water cycle and infrastructure systems, not just isolated components. Our adaptable solutions are tailored to various scales, whether for large cities or small utilities, demonstrating our commitment to meeting the unique needs of each client efficiently

Unmatched Solutions for Rainwater Harvesting and Stormwater Reuse

At Cleanflo, we understand that every drop counts. That’s why our pre-designed and tender-ready systems seamlessly integrate into new builds or retrofit into existing structures. Whether you seek to harness rainwater for irrigation, toilet flushing, laundry, cooling tower makeup, or any other application, Cleanflo has the perfect solution tailored to your specific needs.

Preserving Water, Preserving Our Future

We recognize water as a finite and invaluable resource. Our mission is to design and manufacture eco-friendly systems that contribute significantly to the preservation of this vital asset. Cleanflo offers a comprehensive portfolio that includes two seamlessly integrated systems for complete rainwater harvesting or stormwater reuse solutions Vida and Rainseeker.

Vida One Water Reuse control panel UL listed

Why Reuse Water?

1. Adhere to local codes and bylaws by incorporating water reuse.

2. Achieve certification in LEED or ESG through the implementation of water reuse practices.

3. Save money on your water bill by conserving and reusing water.

4. Foster sustainability in your building by embracing water reuse initiatives.

5. Boost your brand and marketing efforts by showcasing your commitment to environmental responsibility.

6. Mitigate the risk of flooding from rain and stormwater through effective water management.

Cleanflo Your Partner in Water Sustainable Technologies

Cleanflo stands as Canada’s foremost manufacturer of innovative and reliable water Sustainable technologies. Our unwavering commitment to excellence and environmental Responsibility sets us apart. We take immense pride in adhering to the highest industry standards, including the Canadian Plumbing Code and CSA B805 Rainwater Harvesting

Why Choose Cleanflo?

• Unparalleled expertise in the water reuse industry
• Adherence to the highest industry standards
• Tailored solutions for diverse applications
• Seamless integration into new and existing buildings
• Versatile systems for a range of purposes
• Dedication to eco-friendly designs
• Comprehensive portfolio for tailored solutions
• Reliable technologies that promote water conservation and environmental
• Make the Smart Choice for Water Sustainability
• Fully customized Solutions

Join us in making a difference. Choose Cleanflo as your partner in water
sustainable technologies. Contact us today to explore our solutions and learn
how we can assist you in achieving your water conservation goals. Together,
let’s create a brighter, more sustainable future for generations to come.


Vancouver Main Office

250 - 997 Seymour Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3M1
778 - 200 - 7356

Victoria Satellite Office

778 - 400 - 5356


Saskatchewan Main Office

329 Dewdney Ave Regina, Saskatchewan, S4N 0E7
306 - 988 - 7909

Saskatoon Satellite Office

587 - 324 - 23566

Calgary Satellite Office

587 - 324 - 2356

Edmonton Satellite Office

587 - 402 - 4356

Winnipeg Satellite Office

204 - 808 - 2356

Central / Atlantic

Toronto Main Office

675 Cochrane Drive, 6th Floor, East Tower Markham, ON L3R 0B8
647 - 931 - 3356

Hamilton Satellite Office

289 - 768 - 8356

Montreal Satellite Office

514 - 613 - 7356

Halifax Satellite Office

902 - 702 - 3356


Vancouver Main Office

250 - 997 Seymour Street Vancouver, British Columbia, V6B 3M1
778 - 200 - 7356

Victoria Satellite Office

778 - 400 - 5356


Saskatchewan Main Office

329 Dewdney Ave Regina, Saskatchewan, S4N 0E7
306 - 988 - 7909

Saskatoon Satellite Office

587 - 324 - 23566

Calgary Satellite Office

587 - 324 - 2356

Edmonton Satellite Office

587 - 402 - 4356

Winnipeg Satellite Office

204 - 808 - 2356

Central / Atlantic

Toronto Main Office

675 Cochrane Drive, 6th Floor, East Tower Markham, ON L3R 0B8
647 - 931 - 3356

Hamilton Satellite Office

289 - 768 - 8356

Montreal Satellite Office

514 - 613 - 7356

Halifax Satellite Office

902 - 702 - 3356